“Bigger is Better” makes it possible by “Duo-Space”

“Bigger is Better” considered for the feature you always want when you have to decide for the new living place. Meanwhile the bigger one came with the higher price as well. However, “Duo-Space” might make your dream come true by providing you the larger room and under budget.

“DUO SPACE” A Design thinking in loft style

Duo-Space is the hybrid between duplex and simplex by getting the most out of those layouts to create the new one that get the more space while still getting lower price.

Meaning that duo-space is a design thinking in loft style that expands space in vertical line. Also it increases the more living area to utilize for being the most beneficial.

Why must get “Duo-Space”

  • THE MORE SPACE utilizes to multi purpose uses for every lifestyle. Even unit’s size is limited by budget but still getting bigger space through vertical line.
  • GET AIRY with plenty of fresh air from the taller vertical window make us more comfortable and relaxing.
  • LIGHT UP AN IDEA, the more space area not only provides us suitable of living, but also inspires us an idea to decorate room in our own style.

• By the higher ceiling of double floor creates the more space through lower and upper plan. Also the more space through vertical line serves clearer proportion for customizing multi-purpose uses.

“Duo Space” Space makes possible

• Duo Space not only benefits for multi-purpose uses by implements to become home-office or whatever based different life-style, but also the higher ceiling will serve to be more comfortable by the plenty of fresh air from the larger vertical window.

• Therefore Duo-Space is the design thinking provides us the imaginable life and living, also gives us the necessary feature and remaining under budget.

So that dream comes true and happiness will be back again because duo-space can makes thing possible by creates us the new home where we belong.

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